The Quotable

Cannibal’s Delight

-finger food, in virgin oil

-purée of baby leek

-cauliflower ear

-fresh shaved thigh

-breast of vixen

-stuffed face

-blood pudding

-choice of:

baked alaskan

brown apple betty

-house wine of vanished youth



klipschutz is the pen name of Kurt Lipschutz of San Francisco, whose new collection This Drawn and Quartered Moon will be issued by Anvil Press (Vancouver, B.C.) in the Spring of 2013. He has appeared in periodicals, including Poetry (of Chicago), The Shop (Ireland), Ambit (U.K.), and The Red Wheelbarrow (Scotland), as well as zines and international anthologies, including The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry. He is the publisher of Luddite Kingdom Press, and co-writer of Chuck Prophet’s acclaimed 2012 release Temple Beautiful. Earlier books include Twilight of the Male Ego and The Erection of Scaffolding for the Re-Painting of Heaven by the Lowest Bidder (o.p.).

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